Monday 24 June 2024

June 24, 2024 Collaborative Planning


Today the Solstice planning group met on WhatsApp to discuss the day’s schedule, along with the upcoming week’s schedule.

Today we made a list of all the supplies had, and the ones we needed to forage.

Danielle and Sarah said they will gather rocks this afternoon.

Alex will test the natural paints he can find in and around his home.

Kathleen will find the perfect recipe for the pesto.

Sarah will find items for the bookmarks, and the entire group will send quotes.

Danielle will check in with Maddie to see if there is a finishing product that exists to keep the paints nice.

Tomorrow we will meet again and test our products. Pictures to come.             

We are enjoying the collaborative nature of this workshop, and excited to work with the garden as a co-teacher for the upcoming workshop. We have flowers and plants drying in the shed as we speak, and we hope they will be ready in time for the workshop.               

That is all for now from the Solstice Group.

p.s. It turns out that today was a great day for gathering rocks, as the tide was still out after the recent full moon. 

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