Thursday 20 June 2024

A Day at the Orchard Garden: Workshop Planning, Art, and Garden Work

Today was a fun and jam-packed day at UBC, filled with creativity, laughter, and hands-on work. As the sun peeked through the trees, our team gathered inside in Scarfe, ready to dive into the nitty-gritty of planning our upcoming workshops. With coffee in hand and whiteboards at the ready, we brainstormed ideas for our Solstice Workshop, a celebration of the longest day of the year. We came up with all sorts of fun possible activities, from bookmark making to stinging nettle rope creations. 

The collaboration was electric, with ideas bouncing off the walls. We discussed engaging teaching techniques, interactive activities, and ways to make our workshops memorable. Our goal is to create experiences that are not only educational but also leave a lasting impact on our participants.

The second group focused on planning the grand finale of our ongoing Orchard Garden workshop series. This workshop is set to be a blowout celebration, with ideas swirling around the room about creating our own nature-based paints and paintbrushes. We also had exciting conversations about flower pressing and sketching, adding even more creative flair to the event.

One of the coolest moments was uncovering the hidden orchard garden gear cupboard in Scarfe. This little treasure trove is packed with hidden gems. Finding these items sparked new inspiration and reminded us of the rich possibilities of the Orchard Garden and the potential for creation. 

With our planning hats still on, we headed out to the garden to let our creativity run wild. The Orchard Garden is a treasure trove of natural resources, and we couldn’t wait to transform these materials into art. Leaves, flowers, stones, and branches became our artistic tools as we experimented with creating beautiful, nature-inspired pieces. It was not only fun but also a wonderful reminder of the garden’s endless beauty and versatility. A big part of our artistic adventure was pressing flowers for the bookmarks we plan to make during the Solstice celebration. These bookmarks, adorned with pressed flowers from the garden, will be a lovely keepsake for our workshop participants. They’ll serve as a sweet reminder of their connection to nature and the beauty of the solstice. Working directly in the garden allowed us to visualize and fine-tune our plans in the actual space where they’d be implemented. 

We also focused on creating barriers and markers for the garden beds we've been nurturing. These markers are not just functional but also add a touch of artistry to the garden.

One of the day’s highlights was watching Madi, who was steadily working away at collecting loads of raspberries. Her dedication and meticulous care in harvesting were amazing. The bounty of raspberries was overwhelming in the best possible way.

Working in the garden as usual was so fulfilling. It reinforced the connection between our planning sessions and the physical space of the garden. The hands-on experience of working with soil, plants, and natural materials grounded our ideas and brought them to life in a very tangible way.

Today was the perfect blend of planning, creativity, and hands-on work. Our time in Scarfe was productive and inspiring, setting the stage for the solstice workshop and the final session of our workshop series. The artistic explorations added a fun and engaging layer to our planning, highlighting the endless possibilities that the Orchard Garden offers. Ending the day with hands-on work in the garden was a grounding experience, connecting our ideas with tangible outcomes.

The workshops are shaping up to be truly special events, celebrating the beauty of nature and the power of community. We can’t wait to share these experiences with our participants and continue exploring the wonders of the Orchard Garden together.

- Kathleen

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