Saturday 29 June 2024

June 29: Workshop and Last Day!

Greetings! Today marks the final blog post from the Allergy Brigade as we conclude our Community Field Experience and prepare to return to classes next week. For our last day, we hosted the final Orchard Garden Workshop of the school year, enjoying a peaceful morning in the Garden. Our day began with introductions from the wonderful individuals who joined us, many of whom are from the secondary program that recently completed their CFE in the Orchard Garden. We are grateful they took the time to participate in the workshop today!

Our first activity focused on herbal teas, discussing which plants can be harvested, the drying process, and the medicinal and healing properties of these herbs. Participants foraged in the garden for lemon balm, fennel, currents, evening primrose and raspberries. They also made tea sachets of herbs that had already been dried, to make their own blends, taste them and take home. 

The remainder of the workshop was dedicated to making leaf prints with watercolour and acrylic paint. Everyone created beautiful and creative designs inspired by the garden.

Thank you to Susan and Madison for the great few weeks spent in the Orchard Garden. Our time was filled with fun, collaboration, hands-on learning activities, garden work and engaging field trips. We leave this experience with new knowledge and perspectives that we look forward to bringing with us into our teaching careers. The peaceful nature of the garden as well as the opportunity to connect with each other and the land allowed for a much-needed reset after the busyness of our practicums. Here is the commemorative rock made by Danielle, showing the amazing eagle that joined us on our very first day.

Thanks for following along with us on this adventure!

- The Allergy Brigade

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