Saturday 17 March 2012

spring digging!

Budding apple trees and daffodils... crocuses in bloom...

Yesterday was our big spring work party- thank you to everyone who came out and put many hours, muscle, and heart into the garden. What a wonderful way to usher in the growing season- gather a group of eager students and put our shovels to the soil.


Our major goal was to harvest all edible produce (planted last fall) as the greens were about to bolt, and then reshape some of our garden beds to lower some of the raised beds and widen paths.


Everyone went home with bags of kale, arugula and beets

A huge salad was made from the copious amount of winter greens

Fried potatoes and parsnips with rosemary from the garden warmed us up!

What we couldn't eat went into the compost

Let the digging begin!

Although no-till practices are honoured in this garden, we felt that the best way to reshape the beds was to dig... We do feel strongly that we don't use machinery and are very sensitive not to compact the growing area.

And here are our finished beds ready to be planted. Wider and more prominent paths will make it easier to facilitate class visits and other groups. Garden beds that are less raised will conserve moisture. Now to get some seeds in here before the rains wash away our hard work!

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