Friday 16 June 2023

Making Fruit Compote and Harvesting Beans

For our final blog post, Meilang and Vivian are sharing what we did for a final day

at Orchard Gardens before having a week off to plan for a workshop!

This morning we started out with harvesting various kinds of fruit including rhubarb,

raspberries, and elderflower berries to make a fruit compote.

We chopped these fruits up along with some apples and ginger

before adding the other ingredients to the pot.

It felt nice like we were camping out in the rain with the canopy tents. 

While the compote was reduced, we shared the drawings that we had made

during our visit to the UBC Botanical Garden.Everyone’s drawings were fantastic! Amanda and James were sharing

how important a drawing skill is in science as it helps record data from specimens.

We finished sharing our drawings just as the fruit compote was finished cooking. 

Everyone had some ice cream topped with the compote and it was amazing! 

In the afternoon, we got to work and harvested some peas, like snap peas. 

Not all of the peas were ready but the ones that were the longest and

biggest were ready. 

When harvesting the peas, not only the pea needs to be pulled off

but also the little “hat” that is left over from the flower. 

This is done because the plant will think the pea is still attached and

will send energy to the area but since the pea is gone, the plant is wasting its energy. 

By removing the “hat” the plant can use its energy to create more flowers and peas.

After harvesting the beans, we headed to the greenhouse to pick up our seedlings. 

That was all for our last day at the garden and we are looking forward to

our ‘Sip and Paint’ workshop in a week.

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