Wednesday, 8 February 2012

A teacher learning in the garden: Post #3

Here's Tia's third post- Enjoy!

Today my service-learning class partner Kailee and I met up at the UBC botanical gardens to begin doing some research on native plants in this region of BC. Being new to Vancouver and UBC I had never been to the Botanical gardens before and was really impressed with how beautiful it was! Kailee took me through parts of the garden and I could only imagine how much more beautiful it becomes in the spring and summer. We took out some books about native plants and began to research some of the plants being considered for the Orchard Garden this year. I look forward to sharing what I have learned about these plants in a future post. The next day when I went to volunteer at the forest school in North Vancouver I recognized one plant from my research! A deer fern? Is this what I have been seeing everywhere on campus and in the forest?


  1. I thought it was called sword fern...hmmm, will need to check this later :)
    Thanks for the great posts, Tia! We look forward to learning with you this term,

  2. Yes, I have been told by many now that this is a sword fern! I have yet to see a deer fern.
