Thursday 10 October 2024

Oct 3 visit with Transformative Learning Class!

 We had a wonderful time on October 3 learning from and on the land that is The Orchard Garden, hosted by Madi, as part of EDST 534: The Theory & Practice of Transformative Learning & Education. Through sitting and observing, learning about the medicinal properties of certain plants, and reflecting on and enacting principles of foraging, we all were able to appreciate and think about UBC and our relationship to, and understanding of, nature a bit differently.

Students were invited to take photos (some of which you will see below) of anything that caught their eye and also to write a Haiku that captured, in some way, their learning and experience. Thanks to Madi, Susan and the Orchard Gardens for teaching us!

Under pear tree's shade,  

Hands reach for sweet, ripe treasures—  

Learning from the Land. 

Plant pedagogy
Forage but sustainably
Cultivate praxis

Maples, all different
Fruit, to forage, to harvest
Slug, you too belong

the gardens bloom, pure delight
Marigolds burst in colour bright
The cold breeze made the evening quiet

leaves wither to grey
Earth's vibrant hues now fade cold
Autumn’s chill upon

Sitting in the dirt
Staring at the growing figs
Thinking of grandma

Migrant birds in flight,
Gardens hum with life's bustle
Hong Kong in my heart.

little flowers bloom
Within the orchard garden
Calming ornaments

Three sisters grow tall, 
Corn, beans, squash in warm sunlight,
root and tendrils meet

Urban greens abound
Leaves whispering city tales
Fruits of nature's peace

A dandelion
Scatters in the open sky
Home remains below

Dandelions sit
While I smell the fire  
Brings me to camping.

Although of different kinds, all plants on this land obey the same law of nature.
They are all dying in this chilly October but are given a reward to look colorful for becoming a part of nature.
Would my life be transformed into a beautiful one if I, a part of nature, willingly surrendered to the same law of nature and became meek?

Grass with dandelion

Autumn is still alive

Just here you and I

Concrete meets the green,
Fruits hang like dreams in the sun
Nature's breath in streets

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