Saturday, 8 September 2012

The Transitions Continue...

10ft Sunchokes (Jerusalem Artichokes): A sure sign of fall. 
As Djamila transitions into her new role, and I (Kate) begin the transition to work with The Orchard Garden, the garden too, is an outward expression of transition during these late-summer days. With the intense sun rays and no real rain for almost 6 weeks, the garden is slowly becoming autumnal.  

Julia's grain, as dry as a bone, and light as a feather. May the threshing begin!

This tomatillo took all summer to grow its little green, papery lantern, which envelopes a small, green fruit within. Great for salsa verde!

Sunflowers. A late summer beauty. 
An artichoke flower! This is what happens if you can resist eating the heart during the summertime. 

Rows upon rows of late summer Asian greens. A great way to utilize free bed space after main season crops finish for some fresh greens, just on the heels of the inevitable lower temperatures and less daylight.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Kate! Threshing will be on the 27th, Totem Field with Art and the Lawns to Loaves folks. Guess I should harvest but with endless sunshine, I haven't felt too rushed.
